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    tekyürek tarafından hazırlanan ve duyurulan yeni mail organizasyonu.
    haber içeriği;

    yargıtay kararı ve sonrasında fenerbahçe yönetimi ve siyasilerin açıklamalarını da konu alan yeni mailimiz aşağıdadır. mailde uefa'yı başladığı işi bitirmeye ve kişileri futboldan ömür boyu men etmeye ve kulüpleri de küme düşürmeye davet ediyoruz. aşğıdaki metni aynen kopyalayarak mail şeklinde gönderelim. temiz futbol için sadece 1 dakikanı ayırman yeterli!

    mailin konu kısmına : 'uefa has to get involved after turkish supreme court's verdict' yazabilirsiniz.

    not 1 : mail listesi uzun ve bazı maillerde sıkıntı olabilir. geri dönen mailleri sıkıntı etmeyin ve düzenli bir şekilde göndermeye devam edin.

    not 2 : imkanı olanlar bu metni uefa'ya fax yoluyla da gönderebilir. bu da çok etkili olacaktır.

    uefa fax no : +41 848 01 2727

    to uefa and fifa officials;

    a supreme court of appeal upheld a match fixing sentence for fenerbahçe sk chairman aziz yıldırım alongside vice-presidents ilhan ekşioğlu and şekip mosturoğlu. some other board members of fenerbahçe sk, beşiktaş jk and sivasspor were also sentenced on friday the 17th of january 2014.

    following this verdict all crimanals must be prohibited from all sport activities according to turkish football federation’s and uefa’s disciplinary regulations, but neither turkish ff nor uefa announced such penalties.

    fenerbahçe sk and beşiktaş jk were also found guilty of fixing matches during 2010-2011 season by uefa and cas months ago and all turkish fans are still waiting for uefa to finish what they had started and make sure all teams involved in this scandal are relegated.

    fenerbahçe board of management announced a declaration after supreme court’s verdict stressing out that they all are part of the criminal organisation, which aziz yıldırım was the head of…

    on the other hand political intervention to this famous case continued by leaders of parties declaring that all match fixers must be protected despite the verdicts of uefa, cas and turkish supreme court.

    delaying the sanctions those must be applied to turkish football federation by uefa is a fatal mistake and uefa has to get involved with immediate effect.

    unless uefa ask turkish footbal federation to relegate all teams involved in match fixing and ban all individuals found guilty, turkish football will remain dirty and corrupted. it is uefa’s duty to force turkish ff as they announced that they will continue protecting all match fixers.

    therefore, as turkish football fans we request you to do your job and prove that you are strict on your fight against match fixing and you really mean ‘zero tolerance’ when you actually say there is ‘zero tolerance to match fixing’.

    rıdvan dilmen confesses how recep tayyip erdogan protected and supported fenerbahçe during the matchfixing process.

    ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHag0MYgij0 )


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