geçenlerde bir tane reddit kullanıcısı mubi, imdb, letterbox'ın otalamalarını alarak en iyi filmler listesi oluşturmuş 20 tanesi hariç hepsini izledim. şuraya bırakayım herkes yararlansın. arada 2-3 tane mini dizi var...
akira kurosawa------seven samurai (1954)
masaki kobayashi------harakiri (1962)
satyajit ray------pather panchali (1955)
alfred hitchcock------vertigo (1958)
ıngmar bergman------fanny and alexander (1983)
charlie chaplin------modern times (1936)
stanley kubrick------2001: a space odyssey (1968)
yasujiro ozu------tokyo story (1953)
kenji mizoguchi------sansho the bailiff (1954)
andrei tarkovsky------stalker (1979)
buster keaton------sherlock jr. (1924)
fritz lang------m (1931)
billy wilder------sunset blvd. (1950)
francis ford coppola------the godfather (1972)
mikio naruse------yearning (1964)
martin scorsese------taxi driver (1976)
luis bunuel------the young and the damned (1950)
sergio leone------the good, the bad and the ugly (1966)
federico fellini------8 1/2 (1963)
robert bresson------a man escaped (1956)
abbas kiarostami------close-up (1990)
lee unkrich------toy story 3 (2010)
rainer werner fassbinder---berlin alexanderplatz (1980)
quentin tarantino------pulp fiction (1994)
carl theodor dreyer------ordet (1955)
john ford------the man who shot liberty valance (1962)
tengiz abuladze------the wishing tree (1976)
sidney lumet------12 angry men (1957)
david lynch------twin peaks (1990)
ernst lubitsch------to be or not to be (1942)
orson welles------citizen kane (1941)
christopher nolan------the dark knight (2008)
jean-pierre melville------army of shadows (1969)
vicco von bülow------loriot (1976)
chuck jones------the phantom tollbooth (1970)
michael powell------the red shoes (1948)
kaneto shindô------the naked ısland (1960)
béla tarr------sátántangó (1994)
pelin esmer------something useful (2017)
shyam benegal------the seventh horse of the sun (1992)
louis malle------au revoir les enfants (1987)
charles laughton------the night of the hunter (1955)
david lean------lawrence of arabia (1962)
john cassavetes------a woman under the ınfluence (1974)
theodorus angelopoulos------the travelling players (1964)
howard hawks------rio bravo (1959)
masaaki yuasa------ping pong the animation (2013)
jacques rivette------out 1 (1971)
tomu uchida------a fugitive from the past (1965)
steven spielberg------schindler's list (1993)
frank capra------ıt's a wonderful life (1946)
emeric pressburger------the red shoes (1948)
jean vigo------l'atalante (1934)
ısao takahata------grave of the fireflies (1988)
mike leigh------secrets & lies (1996)
francois truffaut------the 400 blows (1959)
ken loach------days of hope (1975)
yôji yamada------when spring comes late (1970)
luchino visconti------rocco and his brothers (1960)
elia kazan------a face in the crowd (1957)
frantisek vlácil------marketa lazarova (1967)
jean renoir------grand ıllusion (1937)
roman polanski------chinatown (1974)
michelangelo antonioni------la notte (1961)
edgar reitz------heimat (1992)
hrishikesh mukherjee------gol maal (1979)
vittorio de sica------bicycle thieves (1948)
jean-luc godard------vivre sa lie (1962)
hirokazu koreeda------nobody knows (2004)
milos forman------one flew over the cuckoo's nest (1975)
agnès varda------jacquot (1991)
franco piavoli------voices through time (1996)
wim wenders------paris, texas (1984)
sergei m. eistenstein------ıvan the terrible (1948)
woody allen------annie hall (1977)
henri-georges clouzot------the wages of fear (1953)
william wyler------the heiress (1949)
coen brothers-----no country for old men (2007)
alain resnais------last night in marienbad (1961)
lucian pintilie------tree of hope (1992)
chantal akerman------jeanne dielman (1975)
werner herzog------fitzcarraldo (1982)
nuri bilge ceylan------winter sleep (2014)
tomm moore------song of the sea (2014)
mario monicelli------the great war (1959)
joseph l. mankiewicz------all about eve (1950)
don hertzfeldt------ıt's such a beautiful day (2011)
hou hsiao-hsien------a city of sadness (1989)
lav diaz------evolution of a filipino family (2005)
pier paolo pasolini------mamma roma (1962)
roberto rosselini------rom, open city (1945)
marcell jankovics------son of the white mare (1981)
hideaki anno------neon genesis evangelion (1995)
victor sjöström------the wind (1928)
david fincher------fight club (1999)
eric rohmer------my night at maud's (1969)
leonid gaidai------operation 'y' & other shurik's adventures (1965)
emir kusturica------time of the gypsies (1988)
marcel carné------children of paradise (1945)
shôhei ımamura------profound desires of the gods (1968)
michael haneke------amour (2012)
yimou zhang------raise the red lantern (1991)
armando ıannucci------the thick of ıt (2005)
peter jackson------the lord of the rings ııı (2003)
lars von trier------the kingdom (1994)
andrzej wadja------kanal (1957)
jacques becker------le trou (1960)
robert altman------3 women (1977)
keisuke kinoshita------twenty-four eyes (1954)
abel gance------napoleon (1927)
paul thomas anderson------there will be blood (2007)
john huston------the treasure of the sierra madre (1948)
pete docter------up (2009)
king vidor------thevcrowd (1928)
nicholas ray------ın a lonely place (1950)
max ophüls------the earrings of madame de... (1953)
julien duvivier------the end of the day (1939)
shane meadows------this ıs england '88 (2011)
goran markovic------national class category up to 875 ccm (1979)
wes anderson------the grand budapest hotel (2014)
kleber mendonca filho------bacurau (2019)
kon ıchikawa------fires on the plain (1959)
leo mccarey------make way for tomorrow (1937)
josef von sternberg------the last command (1928)
karel kachyna------carriage to vienna (1966)
ritwik ghatak------the cloud-capped star (1960)
lee chang-dong------oasis (2002)
bong joon-ho------parasite (2019)
elem klimow------come and see (1985)
yavuz turgul------mr. muhsin (1987)
frank borzage------lucky star (1929)
pedro almodóvar------pain and glory (2019)
michael curtiz------casablanca (1942)
elio petri------ınvestigation of a citizen above suspicion (1970)
raoul walsh------white heat (1949)
ermanno olmi------ıl posto (1961)
tsai ming-liang------the hole (1998)
george cukor------philadelphia story (1940)
william a. wellman------the ox-bow ıncident (1942)
jim jarmusch------down by law (1986)
asghar farhadi------a separation (2011)
jacques tati------playtime (1967)
jules dassin------rififi (1955)
michail kalatosov------ı am cuba (1964)
park chan-wook------oldboy (2003)
denis villeneuve------ıncendies (2010)
mike nichols------who's afraid of virginia woolf? (1966)
preston sturges------sullivan's travels (1941)
mihalis kakogiannis------stella (1955)
john frankenheimer------seconds (1966)
manoel de oliveira------amor de perdicao (1979)
wojciech has------the saragossa manuscript (1965)
richard linklater------before sunrise (1995)
majid majidi------the color of paradise (1999)
maurice pialat------the house in the woods (1971)
carlos saura------cría cuervos (1976)
nikita mikhalkov------burnt by the sun (1994)
aki kaurismäki------la vie de bohème (1992)
costa-gavras------z (1969)
joseph losey------the servant (1963)
jean cocteau------orpheus (1950)
john schlesinger------an englishman abroad (1983)
mervyn leroy------ı am a fugitive from a chain gang (1932)
alfonso cuarón------roma (2018)
terry gilliam------monty python and the holy grail (1975)
georg wilhelm pabst------ı am a fugitive from a chain gang (1929)
edgar wright------spaced (1999)
takeshi kitano------fireworks (1997)
mamoru oshii------ghost in the shell (1995)
andrey zvyagintsev------the return (2003)
hiroshi teshigahara------woman in the dunes (1964)
kenji misumi------lone wolf and cub: baby cart at the river styx (1972)
yasuzo masumura------red angel (1966)
peter bogdanovich------red angel(1973)
aleksandr sokurov------elegy of a voyage (2001)
wolfgang staudte------the seawolfs (1971)
clint eastwood------unforgiven (1992)
otto preminger------laura (1944)
ken russell------the devils (1971)
rené clement------forbidden games (1952)
pietro germi------divorce ıtalian style (1961)
king hu------a touch of zen (1971)
sergei parajanov------shadows of forgotten ancestors (1965)
carol reed------the third man (1949)
bob fosse------liza with a z (1972)
vincente minnelli------the bad and the beautiful (1952)
stéphane aubier & vincent patar------ernest & celestine (2012)
ousmane sembene------moolaadé (2004)
paolo sorrentino------the young pope (2016)
pedro costa------ın vanda's room (2000)
ridley scott------alien (1979)
yûzô kawashima------suzaki paradise (1956)
michel ocelot------kirikou and the sorcereress (1998)
akira kurosawa------seven samurai (1954)
masaki kobayashi------harakiri (1962)
satyajit ray------pather panchali (1955)
alfred hitchcock------vertigo (1958)
ıngmar bergman------fanny and alexander (1983)
charlie chaplin------modern times (1936)
stanley kubrick------2001: a space odyssey (1968)
yasujiro ozu------tokyo story (1953)
kenji mizoguchi------sansho the bailiff (1954)
andrei tarkovsky------stalker (1979)
buster keaton------sherlock jr. (1924)
fritz lang------m (1931)
billy wilder------sunset blvd. (1950)
francis ford coppola------the godfather (1972)
mikio naruse------yearning (1964)
martin scorsese------taxi driver (1976)
luis bunuel------the young and the damned (1950)
sergio leone------the good, the bad and the ugly (1966)
federico fellini------8 1/2 (1963)
robert bresson------a man escaped (1956)
abbas kiarostami------close-up (1990)
lee unkrich------toy story 3 (2010)
rainer werner fassbinder---berlin alexanderplatz (1980)
quentin tarantino------pulp fiction (1994)
carl theodor dreyer------ordet (1955)
john ford------the man who shot liberty valance (1962)
tengiz abuladze------the wishing tree (1976)
sidney lumet------12 angry men (1957)
david lynch------twin peaks (1990)
ernst lubitsch------to be or not to be (1942)
orson welles------citizen kane (1941)
christopher nolan------the dark knight (2008)
jean-pierre melville------army of shadows (1969)
vicco von bülow------loriot (1976)
chuck jones------the phantom tollbooth (1970)
michael powell------the red shoes (1948)
kaneto shindô------the naked ısland (1960)
béla tarr------sátántangó (1994)
pelin esmer------something useful (2017)
shyam benegal------the seventh horse of the sun (1992)
louis malle------au revoir les enfants (1987)
charles laughton------the night of the hunter (1955)
david lean------lawrence of arabia (1962)
john cassavetes------a woman under the ınfluence (1974)
theodorus angelopoulos------the travelling players (1964)
howard hawks------rio bravo (1959)
masaaki yuasa------ping pong the animation (2013)
jacques rivette------out 1 (1971)
tomu uchida------a fugitive from the past (1965)
steven spielberg------schindler's list (1993)
frank capra------ıt's a wonderful life (1946)
emeric pressburger------the red shoes (1948)
jean vigo------l'atalante (1934)
ısao takahata------grave of the fireflies (1988)
mike leigh------secrets & lies (1996)
francois truffaut------the 400 blows (1959)
ken loach------days of hope (1975)
yôji yamada------when spring comes late (1970)
luchino visconti------rocco and his brothers (1960)
elia kazan------a face in the crowd (1957)
frantisek vlácil------marketa lazarova (1967)
jean renoir------grand ıllusion (1937)
roman polanski------chinatown (1974)
michelangelo antonioni------la notte (1961)
edgar reitz------heimat (1992)
hrishikesh mukherjee------gol maal (1979)
vittorio de sica------bicycle thieves (1948)
jean-luc godard------vivre sa lie (1962)
hirokazu koreeda------nobody knows (2004)
milos forman------one flew over the cuckoo's nest (1975)
agnès varda------jacquot (1991)
franco piavoli------voices through time (1996)
wim wenders------paris, texas (1984)
sergei m. eistenstein------ıvan the terrible (1948)
woody allen------annie hall (1977)
henri-georges clouzot------the wages of fear (1953)
william wyler------the heiress (1949)
coen brothers-----no country for old men (2007)
alain resnais------last night in marienbad (1961)
lucian pintilie------tree of hope (1992)
chantal akerman------jeanne dielman (1975)
werner herzog------fitzcarraldo (1982)
nuri bilge ceylan------winter sleep (2014)
tomm moore------song of the sea (2014)
mario monicelli------the great war (1959)
joseph l. mankiewicz------all about eve (1950)
don hertzfeldt------ıt's such a beautiful day (2011)
hou hsiao-hsien------a city of sadness (1989)
lav diaz------evolution of a filipino family (2005)
pier paolo pasolini------mamma roma (1962)
roberto rosselini------rom, open city (1945)
marcell jankovics------son of the white mare (1981)
hideaki anno------neon genesis evangelion (1995)
victor sjöström------the wind (1928)
david fincher------fight club (1999)
eric rohmer------my night at maud's (1969)
leonid gaidai------operation 'y' & other shurik's adventures (1965)
emir kusturica------time of the gypsies (1988)
marcel carné------children of paradise (1945)
shôhei ımamura------profound desires of the gods (1968)
michael haneke------amour (2012)
yimou zhang------raise the red lantern (1991)
armando ıannucci------the thick of ıt (2005)
peter jackson------the lord of the rings ııı (2003)
lars von trier------the kingdom (1994)
andrzej wadja------kanal (1957)
jacques becker------le trou (1960)
robert altman------3 women (1977)
keisuke kinoshita------twenty-four eyes (1954)
abel gance------napoleon (1927)
paul thomas anderson------there will be blood (2007)
john huston------the treasure of the sierra madre (1948)
pete docter------up (2009)
king vidor------thevcrowd (1928)
nicholas ray------ın a lonely place (1950)
max ophüls------the earrings of madame de... (1953)
julien duvivier------the end of the day (1939)
shane meadows------this ıs england '88 (2011)
goran markovic------national class category up to 875 ccm (1979)
wes anderson------the grand budapest hotel (2014)
kleber mendonca filho------bacurau (2019)
kon ıchikawa------fires on the plain (1959)
leo mccarey------make way for tomorrow (1937)
josef von sternberg------the last command (1928)
karel kachyna------carriage to vienna (1966)
ritwik ghatak------the cloud-capped star (1960)
lee chang-dong------oasis (2002)
bong joon-ho------parasite (2019)
elem klimow------come and see (1985)
yavuz turgul------mr. muhsin (1987)
frank borzage------lucky star (1929)
pedro almodóvar------pain and glory (2019)
michael curtiz------casablanca (1942)
elio petri------ınvestigation of a citizen above suspicion (1970)
raoul walsh------white heat (1949)
ermanno olmi------ıl posto (1961)
tsai ming-liang------the hole (1998)
george cukor------philadelphia story (1940)
william a. wellman------the ox-bow ıncident (1942)
jim jarmusch------down by law (1986)
asghar farhadi------a separation (2011)
jacques tati------playtime (1967)
jules dassin------rififi (1955)
michail kalatosov------ı am cuba (1964)
park chan-wook------oldboy (2003)
denis villeneuve------ıncendies (2010)
mike nichols------who's afraid of virginia woolf? (1966)
preston sturges------sullivan's travels (1941)
mihalis kakogiannis------stella (1955)
john frankenheimer------seconds (1966)
manoel de oliveira------amor de perdicao (1979)
wojciech has------the saragossa manuscript (1965)
richard linklater------before sunrise (1995)
majid majidi------the color of paradise (1999)
maurice pialat------the house in the woods (1971)
carlos saura------cría cuervos (1976)
nikita mikhalkov------burnt by the sun (1994)
aki kaurismäki------la vie de bohème (1992)
costa-gavras------z (1969)
joseph losey------the servant (1963)
jean cocteau------orpheus (1950)
john schlesinger------an englishman abroad (1983)
mervyn leroy------ı am a fugitive from a chain gang (1932)
alfonso cuarón------roma (2018)
terry gilliam------monty python and the holy grail (1975)
georg wilhelm pabst------ı am a fugitive from a chain gang (1929)
edgar wright------spaced (1999)
takeshi kitano------fireworks (1997)
mamoru oshii------ghost in the shell (1995)
andrey zvyagintsev------the return (2003)
hiroshi teshigahara------woman in the dunes (1964)
kenji misumi------lone wolf and cub: baby cart at the river styx (1972)
yasuzo masumura------red angel (1966)
peter bogdanovich------red angel(1973)
aleksandr sokurov------elegy of a voyage (2001)
wolfgang staudte------the seawolfs (1971)
clint eastwood------unforgiven (1992)
otto preminger------laura (1944)
ken russell------the devils (1971)
rené clement------forbidden games (1952)
pietro germi------divorce ıtalian style (1961)
king hu------a touch of zen (1971)
sergei parajanov------shadows of forgotten ancestors (1965)
carol reed------the third man (1949)
bob fosse------liza with a z (1972)
vincente minnelli------the bad and the beautiful (1952)
stéphane aubier & vincent patar------ernest & celestine (2012)
ousmane sembene------moolaadé (2004)
paolo sorrentino------the young pope (2016)
pedro costa------ın vanda's room (2000)
ridley scott------alien (1979)
yûzô kawashima------suzaki paradise (1956)
michel ocelot------kirikou and the sorcereress (1998)