• 5072
    uefa gelirlerinde ve kadroya bildirelecek oyuncu sayısında kısıtlamalara maruz kalmışlar. uluslararası düzeyde hedefleri ve temsiliyetleri olmadığı için pek de kendilerini etkileyen bir durum yok.

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    the uefa club financial control body (cfcb) adjudicatory chamber has determined that fenerbahçe (tur) failed to comply with the break-even target for the reporting period ending in 2018 as required by the settlement agreement, which they entered into on 20 may 2016.

    as a result, the cfcb adjudicatory chamber has sanctioned the club with a withholding of revenues from uefa club competitions of two million euro (€2,000,000), a restriction on registering new players in uefa club competitions in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 seasons in the absence of a positive transfer balance, and a restriction on registering more than 23 players in uefa club competitions in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 seasons.

    however, the withholding of revenues shall be reduced to one million euro (€1,000,000) provided that the club is able to prove, by 15 october 2019, that it has fulfilled conditions with respect to restructuring its debt and implementing new national financial monitoring.
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    kaynak: https://www.uefa.com/.../newsid=2616917.html
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