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    türkiye'de olsa martin'i yaşlı falan demezler kitabı döve döve yazdırırlardı. kitapta da jon snow, ned stark başta olmak üzere tüm starklar dirilirdi. sonra ned, joffrey'i diriltip diriltip kafasını kestirirdi. anne stark ile robb da frey denen serefsizi lime lime ederlerdi. arya listesini tamamlar. brandon ejdarhaları kontrol ederdi. sansa da erkek olarak dirilip adını mavi gözlü bolton piçinin yaptıklarını sike sike ödetirdi.

    jon snow; sarısın, tatlı, ejderha annesi kızla evlenir yaban elleri ve westeros'u yedi krallığa katarlardı ve ned stark eceliyle ölene kadar yönetimi ona bırakırlardı.

    artık nefret ettim sonu vurucu olsun diye boku çıkan hikayelerden. biraz mutlu olsunlar abi. karakterli şerefli insanlar da mutlu olsun. diziden aldığım tek mesaj onurun ve haysiyetin varsa ya ölür ya sikilirsin. bu kadar da olmaz ki.
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    diyarlarının diziye uyarlanmış halinin 1. ve 2. sezonları adına yapılmış iki muhteşem remix bulunan yazarlar. her gün defalarca dinleyeceklerdir eminim.

    --- 1. sezon remixi ---
    you came to us as outlaws
    you came alone, in chains
    all that is in the past
    here on the wall, we are all one house

    i am the sword in the darkness
    i am the watcher on the walls
    i shall wear no crown, and win no glory
    now my watch begins

    it shall not end until my death
    i pledge my life and honor
    for this night and all the nights to come
    now my watch begins

    the night's watch is the only thing standing between the wall and what lies beyond.
    winter is coming.

    my queen - i vow to serve you, obey you.
    i know what you intend - do not.
    i must.

    i see the faces of slaves
    i free you
    take off you collars, no one will stop you

    but if you stay
    it will be as brothers and sisters
    as husbands and wives

    i am the dragon's daughter
    and i swear to you
    that those who would harm you will die screaming

    i am the dragon's daughter
    you shall have a golden crown
    men shall tremble to behold
    and i swear to you
    i am the dragon's daughter

    when winter does come, gods help us all if we're not ready.

    our best hope, our only hope
    is that you can defeat them in the field
    if you lose, your sisters die
    your father dies

    our best hope, our only hope
    is that you can defeat them in the field
    when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die
    there is no middle ground

    there is only one god
    and his name is death
    and there is only one thing we say to death-
    not today

    you helped me win the iron throne
    we were meant to rule together
    but now winter is coming
    we must protect ourselves

    don't ask me to stand aside as you climb on that pyre -
    i won't watch you burn!
    you don't understand -

    --- 1. sezon remixi ---

    --- 2. sezon remixi ---
    you think we're savages because we don't live in stone castles
    we can't make steel as good as yours, it's true, but we're free.

    i'm a free woman!
    you're not a free woman - you're my prisoner, my prisoner
    you don't need to live your whole life taking commands from old men
    be free

    i'm a free woman!
    you're not a free woman - you're my prisoner, my prisoner
    you know nothing
    wake up when you want to wake up
    be free

    build yourself a cabin
    find a woman to lie with in the night
    you don't need to live your whole life taking commands from old men
    be free

    i'm a free woman!
    you're not a free woman - you're my prisoner, my prisoner
    you know nothing
    wake up when you want to wake up
    be free

    the 7 kingdoms are at war
    and winterfell is mine
    every man woman and child will know who we were and how long we stood!

    we die today brothers
    we die from a hundred wounds
    our war cries will echo
    we'll cry out our names

    our war cries will echo
    we'll cry out our names

    don't fight for your king
    don't fight for his kingdoms
    don't fight for honor, don't fight for glory
    this is your city!

    this war has just begun
    it will last for years

    don't be afraid - the queen has raised the drawbridge, this is the safest place we can be. shall we sing a hymn?

    save our sons from war we pray
    save our sons from war we pray
    gentle mother, font of mercy, save our sons from war we pray

    --- 2. sezon remixi ---
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