• 226
    --- alıntı ---

    corrupted football mechanism in turkey

    dear madame/sir,

    since the beginning of the match fixing scandal in turkey, we have appealed to you many times. we were trying to warn the world football community that the scandal was being covered-up by the politicians, turkish football federation, clubs that are under investigation and the media.

    the first stage of this operation is saving the clubs involved in crime. turkish football federation (tff) amended football disciplinary regulations article 58, the clubs will not be severely punished on charges of match fixing. match fixing crimes are officially described in turkey but not punished proportionally by tff. there is a corrupted football mechanism in turkey. match fixing is legalized by diluting 58th article of disciplinary regulations.

    as you are aware, the court of the match fixing case in turkey announced the verdict regarding the detainees on 2 july 2012 and found several board members of different clubs, players guilty in turkish super league for the 2010-2011 season.

    this final step is another disgraceful attempt against the universal ethics and codes. the penalties for such crimes that undermine football's spirit and its future should be harsh and applicable to all, as no one is above law. recently enforced in greece, switzerland and italy, these disciplinary measures have to be same for all member countries to ensure a fair football environment.

    the disciplinary code and zero tolerance policy of uefa and fifa is clear. but neither uefa nor fifa has acted in any concrete way other than impact-less warnings and announcements. we are disappointed in the inaction of uefa and fifa which is casting a great shadow over the football in the world. after bribery scandal in fifa, turkish football fans are worried about whether uefa's zero tolerance policy would be sacrificed to money.

    if uefa and fifa do not fight against such illegalities, corruption and criminal acts, one day it is going to be too late.

    please hear our voice. turkish football fans want clean football.


    king regards,

    --- alıntı ---

    frey.thompson@uefa.ch, giancarlo.abete@uefa.ch, gianni.infantino@uefa.ch, michel.platini@uefa.ch, info@uefa.com, contact@uefa.com, g.smorto@repubblica.it, diarioas@diarioas.es, mdonline@mundodeportivo.com, josep.prats@donbalon.org, redaccion@diariosport.com, internacional@abc.es, info@elcorreogallego.es, redaccion@lavanguardia.es, courrierdeslecteurs@lequipe.presse.fr, abo@francefootball.fr, edition75@leparisien.presse.fr, sportbild@sportbild.de, vertrieb@tagesspiegel.de, redaktion@tagesspiegel.de, verlag@mopo.de, redaktion@sueddeutsche.de, anzeigen.ausland@faz.de, mirrornews@mirror.co.uk, reporters@dailyrecord.co.uk;, ssimon.kuper@theglobalexperts.org, contact@fifa.org, media@fifa.org, datainfo@fifa.org, webinfo@fifa.org
  • 230

    yine kızacaksınız ama, söz konusu kampanya artık boku çıkmış bi kampanyadır.
    evet ortada bi yanlış var. ve sen üstüne düşeni yaptın bunu gerekli mercilere bildirerek. ama asalet bunu bi kere yapmayı gerektirir.
    o ne öyle ilkokul birinci sınıfa giden ceren gibi "örtmenin saçımı çekti" diye defalarca şikayet etmek.
    bi kere dedin, iki kere dedin, üç dedin...
    komikleşiyo, basitlesiyo haklı tepkin.
    farkında değilsin ama şuna benziyosun;

    "şike var abi bizim ligde"
    "çok şike var bizim ligde"
    "bizim ligde çok şike var abi"
    "abi bizim ligde şike var"
    "şike çok bizim ligde var abi"
  • 231
    --- alıntı ---

    corrupted football mechanism in turkey

    dear madame/sir,

    since the beginning of the match fixing scandal in turkey, we have appealed to you many times. we were trying to warn the world football community that the scandal was being covered-up by the politicians, turkish football federation, clubs that are under investigation and the media.

    the first stage of this operation is saving the clubs involved in crime. turkish football federation (tff) amended football disciplinary regulations article 58, the clubs will not be severely punished on charges of match fixing. match fixing crimes are officially described in turkey but not punished proportionally by tff. there is a corrupted football mechanism in turkey. match fixing is legalized by diluting 58th article of disciplinary regulations.

    as you are aware, the court of the match fixing case in turkey announced the verdict regarding the detainees on 2 july 2012 and found several board members of different clubs, players guilty in turkish super league for the 2010-2011 season.

    this final step is another disgraceful attempt against the universal ethics and codes. the penalties for such crimes that undermine football's spirit and its future should be harsh and applicable to all, as no one is above law. recently enforced in greece, switzerland and italy, these disciplinary measures have to be same for all member countries to ensure a fair football environment.

    the disciplinary code and zero tolerance policy of uefa and fifa is clear. but neither uefa nor fifa has acted in any concrete way other than impact-less warnings and announcements. we are disappointed in the inaction of uefa and fifa which is casting a great shadow over the football in the world. after bribery scandal in fifa, turkish football fans are worried about whether uefa's zero tolerance policy would be sacrificed to money.

    if uefa and fifa do not fight against such illegalities, corruption and criminal acts, one day it is going to be too late.

    please hear our voice. turkish football fans want clean football.


    king regards,

    --- alıntı ---

    fifa.com iletişim --> http://www.fifa.com/contact/form.html
  • 232
    mail metni --> http://www.twitlonger.com/show/ifv7ef

    --- alıntı ---

    corrupted football mechanism in turkey

    dear madame/sir,

    since the beginning of the match fixing scandal in turkey, we have appealed to you many times. we were trying to warn the world football community that the scandal was being covered-up by the politicians, turkish football federation, clubs that are under investigation and the media.

    the first stage of this operation is saving the clubs involved in crime. turkish football federation (tff) amended football disciplinary regulations article 58, the clubs will not be severely punished on charges of match fixing. match fixing crimes are officially described in turkey but not punished proportionally by tff. there is a corrupted football mechanism in turkey. match fixing is legalized by diluting 58th article of disciplinary regulations.

    as you are aware, the court of the match fixing case in turkey announced the verdict regarding the detainees on 2 july 2012 and found several board members of different clubs, players guilty in turkish super league for the 2010-2011 season.

    this final step is another disgraceful attempt against the universal ethics and codes. the penalties for such crimes that undermine football's spirit and its future should be harsh and applicable to all, as no one is above law. recently enforced in greece, switzerland and italy, these disciplinary measures have to be same for all member countries to ensure a fair football environment.

    the disciplinary code and zero tolerance policy of uefa and fifa is clear. but neither uefa nor fifa has acted in any concrete way other than impact-less warnings and announcements. we are disappointed in the inaction of uefa and fifa which is casting a great shadow over the football in the world. after bribery scandal in fifa, turkish football fans are worried about whether uefa's zero tolerance policy would be sacrificed to money.

    if uefa and fifa do not fight against such illegalities, corruption and criminal acts, one day it is going to be too late.

    please hear our voice. turkish football fans want clean football.


    king regards,

    --- alıntı ---

    gönderilecek adresler --> http://www.twitlonger.com/show/ig21me

    --- alıntı ---

    avrupa konseyi - avrupa futbol federasyonları e-mail

    eac-info@ec.europa.eu, pressunit@coe.int, bureau.bruxelles@coe.int, daniel.holtgen@coe.int, jeremy.moakes@coe.int, integrityprotection@olympic.org, ethics@olympic.org, info@dfb.de, communique@thefa.com, office@oefb.at, webmaster@fff.fr, epo@epo.gr, rfef@rfef.es, figc.affarigenerali@figc.it, info@scottishfa.co.uk, info@fai.ie, info@faw.co.uk, international@figc.it, sfv.asf@football.ch, concern@knvb.nl, office@oefb.at, urbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com, bfu@bfunion.bg, info@hns-cff.hr, dbu@dbu.dk, facr@footbal.cz, mlsz@mlsz.hu, svff@svenskfotboll.se, frf@frf.ro,

    avrupa yazılı ve görsel medyası - yazarlar e-mail

    simonkuper@hotmail.com, rogan@liverpool.ac.uk, declan@declanhill.com, webmaster@eurosport.com, nordic@eurosport.com, sportbild@sportbild.de, redaktion@tagesspiegel.de, leserbriefe@tagesspiegel.de, leser@welt.de, sportbild@sportbild.de, leserservice@sportbild.de, leserbriefe@berliner-zeitung.de, info@zdf.de, forum@sueddeutsche.de, talkback@the-sun.co.uk, letters@the-sun.co.uk, giveusayell@the-sun.co.uk, exclusive@the-sun.co.uk, sportletters@sunday-times.co.uk, sportletters@sunday-times.co.uk, reader@guardian.co.uk, sport@guardian.co.uk, sport@observer.co.uk, foreigneditor@independent.co.uk, sport@independent.co.uk, dtnews@telegraph.co.uk, news@sky.com, newsonline@bskyb.com, sport.online@bbc.co.uk, news@dailymail.co.uk, letters@dailymail.co.uk, help@timesplus.co.uk, alice.furse@talksport.co.uk, diarioas@diarioas.es, mdonline@mundodeportivo.com, deportes@abc.es, rtve.dircom@rtve.es, redacciondigital@elpais.es, mdonline@mundodeportivo.com, deportes@elpais.es, abo@francefootball.fr, tloignon@latribune.fr, courrierdeslecteurs@lequipe.presse.fr, webmaster@lequipe.fr, lequipetv@lequipetv.fr, contact@sporever.fr, gregory.hangard@newsweb.fr, webdesk@france24.com, srf@srf.ch, online.redaktion@nzz.ch, info@schweiz5.ch, srf@srf.ch, online@baz.ch, newsdesk@20minuten.ch, blick@sport.ch, news.online@blick.ch, info.sport@tageswoche.ch, francesco.gianello@juventus.com, webmaster@aokavalas.gr, info@theinsiders.gr, webmaster@ertonline.gr, sport@protv.ro, contact@fotbalclubvaslui.ro, mathias.germann@sportalgroup.com, svenja.mastroberardino@sportalgroup.com, daniel.bossi@sportalgroup.com, adrian.ehrat@sportalgroup.com, fgrenez@pressesports.com, fleboulanger@pressesports.com, dorluc@pressesports.com, marc.abelin@lagardere-pub.com, contact@sport24.com, tuttocalcio@hotmail.com, gdunbar@ap.org,, info@ap.org, general.info@thomsonreuters.com, nyc.equities.newsroom@news.reuters.com, sports@nytimes.com, foreign@nytimes.com,

    uluslararasi spor kanallari & gazeteleri ve ajanslari twitter

    @eurosportcomtr @eurosportuktv @eurosport_fr @tomeurosport @espn @espn_star @espnsoccernet @jamestylerespn @marklomasespn @aagulla_espn @reuterssports @cnni @reuters @robharris @stevewilsonap @gdunbarap @ap @ap_sports @foxsoccer @ap_deportes @sınow @grantwahl @goalcom @goal_intl @goaluk @goalespana @fourfourtwo @optajoe @optajean @optajose @optapaolo @optafranz @optajim @optasuit @pedrocnn @sportscenter @nytimes @nytimesglobal @ajenglish


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    spor hukuku ile ilgilenenler

    @11freunde_feed @playthegame_org @declan_hill @kupersimon @prof_chadwick @kevswfc55 @sportslaw_uk @lawtop20 @sport_law @matt_law_sm @footballlaw @sportcorruption @changefifa @is_fifa_corrupt

    --- alıntı ---
  • 234
    uefa ve fifa'nın güvenilir kurumlar olup olmadığını umursamayan, ülkemizde 1 yıldır dönen rezillikleri tüm dünya'nın duymasını amaçlayan ve bunda gayet de başarılı olan insanların katıldığı kampanya. başlık her ne kadar uefa'ya mail kampanyası olsa da uefa, fifa, medya kuruluşları, yazarlar ve ülke federasyonlarına da gönderiyoruz bu bilgilendirme maillerini.
  • 240
    gönderilecek adres: info@uefa.com

    konu: against racists and racism

    dear uefa – team,

    fort the last years you had to handle with a lot of bad occurrences regarding turkish football. match-fixing (fenerbahce sk is one of the important actor), disqualifying from the european tournaments, cas case, rioting in the stadiums were some of them. furthermore for the last two years there were noticed some acts of racism in the turkish football. we fight individually but also on a collective way against this horrible mind and will look for our rights.

    so we also ask you for fighting against one of the biggest problems of humanity, a problem which every player can face one day and which is shameful; fight against racism!

    although we noticed in the past that you didn`t make a use of your devise “zero tolerance” for match-fixing in turkey, we still will ask you to put your device of “fair play” and “kick racism out of football” into practice for the cases in turkey which are noticed on the following points, and which have been not punished by the turkish football association.

    1. 15.04.2012 during the game fenerbahce vs trabzonspor, emre belözoglu called zokora “f…..g n…r”. but the turkish football association punished him not as a result of racism, moreover of abusing.

    2. 24.09.2012 fenerbahce fans attacked zokora, by taking a black bag over their head. no punishment was given for that by the association.

    3. 16.04.1012 during the game besiktas vs galatasaray, besiktas fans attacked eboue racialist when he was on the side. no punishment was given for that by the association.

    4. 12.05.2013 during the game fenerbahce vs galatasaray, fenerbahce fans thrown banana skins on to the field. moreover they attacked drogba, eboue and dany racialist by showing them bananas.

    edit: bazı yanlışlar varmış. les principes de assassin sağolsun uyardı da düzelttim. hala fazlaca yanlış olduğunu söylüyor ama derdimizi anlatmaya yeter bence. yinede yenisini yazarsak, bunu silip onunla değiştireceğim. bilginize..
  • 247
    net olarak soyluyorum olimpiyatlari kaybetmemize yol acacak bir olay varsa, bu drogba'ya yapilan irkci saldiralarin devam edip etmemesidir. bereket 1 mac kaldi sezonun bitmesine ve o mac da kendi sahamizda.

    hatta tek basina bu mail kampanyasi bile cok onemli koz verir rakip ulkelere.

    sikimde mi? hem de hic degil. ne spor bakani, ne olimpiyat komitesi, ne tff, ne tbl ne de baska bir sey. hic bir sekilde yeterli insanlarin elinde degil kurumlarimiz. yapilacak bir olimpiyat olaylar bakimindan facia olmasa da bence organizasyon konusunda facialar yasanacaktir.

    iste bu kadar da guvenmiyorum hukumete ve de sporla ilgili rutbeli insanlara.
  • 249
    yargıtay 5. ceza dairesinin şike kararını onamasından sonra yapılması şart oğlu şart kampanyadır. yabancı dili ve bu maili yazabilecek kapasitede olan arkadaşlar örnek bir mail çıkarırsa hepimiz oradan yürürüz.

    fenerbahçeli yöneticilerin uefa'ya atılan maillerin onları ne kadar zor duruma düşürdüğünü söyledikleri açıklamaları hatırlayın.

    gün bizim galatasaraylı! uefa'ya mail yağdırmalıyız. organizasyonu bu başlık altından yürüterek sesimizi yükseltebilir, insanları bir çatı altında birleştirebiliriz.

    maili göndereceğimiz adresler aşağıdadır:

    web@lastampa.it; g.smorto@repubblica.it; diarioas@diarioas.es; mdonline@mundodeportivo.com; josep.prats@donbalon.org; redaccion@diariosport.com; internacional@abc.es; info@elcorreogallego.es; redaccion@lavanguardia.es; courrierdeslecteurs@lequipe.presse.fr; abo@francefootball.fr; edition75@leparisien.presse.fr; tloignon@latribune.fr; sportbild@sportbild.de; vertrieb@tagesspiegel.de; anzeigen@tagesspiegel.de; leserbriefe@tagesspiegel.de; redaktion@tagesspiegel.de; verlag@mopo.de; redaktion@sueddeutsche.de; anzeigen.ausland@faz.de; talkback@thesun.co.uk; mirrornews@mirror.co.uk; reporters@dailyrecord.co.uk; news@dailystar.co.uk; dtnews@telegraph.co.uk; foreign.news@thetimes.co.uk; letters@guardian.co.uk; foreigneditor@independent.co.uk; redaction@lavenir.net; journalist@demorgen.be; sport.ds@standaard.be; contact@euobs.com; info@europeanvoice.com; gvasport@concentra.be; info@copiepresse.be; nieuws@nieuwsblad.be; hbvlsport@concentra.be; online@baz.ch; edaktion@blick.ch; webnf@nouvelliste.ch; online.redaktion@nzz.ch; redaktion@tagesanzeiger.ch; contact@uefa.com; eacinfo@ec.europa.eu; info@uefa.com; simonkuper@hotmail.com; simon.kuper@theglobalexperts.org; rogan@liverpool.ac.uk; declan@journalist.com
    michel.platini@uefa.ch ; gianni.infantino@uefa.ch ; alasdair.bell@uefa.ch ; thomas.giordano@uefa.ch ; william.gaillard@uefa.ch ; marios.lefkaritis@uefa.ch ; info@uefa.com ; contact@uefa.com ; discipline@uefa.ch ; media@uefa.ch ; uefadirect@uefa.ch ; giancarlo.abete@uefa.ch ; thomas.partl@schule.at ; jacques.antenen@vd.ch ; joel.wolff@football.lu ; repka@fotbal.cz ; jmsh@dbu.dk ; hans-eberhard.lorenz@swfv.de ; notfromhere34@hotmail.com ; address@fifa.org ; associations@fifa.org ; chris.eaton@fifa.org ; congressmedia@fifa.org ; contact@fifa.org ; csr@fifa.org ; datainfo@fifa.org ; delia.fischer@fifa.org ; dispatch@fifa.org ; federico.addiechi@fifa.org ; finance@fifa.org ; football.turf@fifa.org ; glt@fifa.org ; hidenori.arai@fifa.org ; hr@fifa.org ; jim.brown@fifa.org ; jiri.dvorak@fifa.org ; ma-marketing@fifa.org ; marion.mayer-vorfelder@fifa.org ; markrequests@fifa.org ; markus.kattner@fifa.org ; media@fifa.org ; mediachannel@fifa.org ; medical@fifa.org ; niclas.ericson@fifa.org ; nicolas.evans@fifa.org ; nicolas.maingot@fifa.org ; paul.calder@fifa.org ; sales@fifa.org ; secretarygeneraloffice@fifa.org ; stephanie.markwalder@fifa.org ; tv@fifa.org

    edit: mail adresleri eklendi.
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