Michel François Platini
  • 90
    "preserving football's values – michel platini"
    "uefa president michel platini extends season's greetings as he reviews a year which underlined the importance of preserving football's values and contained many memorable moments."
    " has been a year in which certain of our national associations have had to take courageous decisions to preserve the justice and integrity of our sport. a year in which we have also had to remain solid and defend our values – sometimes alone – to guarantee the respecting of the rules and the equity of the competitions, and to prevent football becoming a hostage of a few for their own profit and interests. it has been a year in which, unfortunately and at the expense of certain agonies, football has emphasised its need for transparency and governance, aspects which are so important in relation to the respect which is so dear to me....."

    "futbolun değerlerini korumak" başlığını vererek yeni yılı kutlamış. bizim gibi federasyonlara da lafı koymuş: kısaca diyor ki adalet ve futbolun namusu için ulusal federasyonlar cesaretli kararlar vermek zorunda.....
    maa okusun anlasın, tabi anlamaya niyeti varsa...

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