kariyerini avrupa'da sonlandırmak istediğini belirtmiştir. konuyla ilgili demeci;
"as far as retiring from the nba, ı think ı will be done after this contract because eventually ı want to go overseas and play and live for a couple of years. that's why this is a big contract for me, knowing ı'm going to retire a boston celtic. ı want to go to either ıtaly or greece for a year. ı think ı want to be able to bring my family over to just kind of share a different experience overseas for a couple of years, before ı settle into retirement."
"as far as retiring from the nba, ı think ı will be done after this contract because eventually ı want to go overseas and play and live for a couple of years. that's why this is a big contract for me, knowing ı'm going to retire a boston celtic. ı want to go to either ıtaly or greece for a year. ı think ı want to be able to bring my family over to just kind of share a different experience overseas for a couple of years, before ı settle into retirement."