Victor Enok Nelsson
  • 42
    daha bir ay once 12 milyon euro arti bonuslarla crystal palace'a transferi gerceklesecegi haberleri cikan futbolcu

    reddit'te fc kopenhag taraftari bir kullanicinin hakkinda soyledikleri:

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    he has been excellent the last two seasons in a very disrupted and scattered fc copenhagen team. very solid in aerial duels and loves a tackle. but also in my opinion understated in build up play, he’s not one for breaking lines or killer passes from the back line but knows how to play around and is comfortable with ball at feet. been a few times where there has been whispers of a cdm role as he looks that capable.

    leadership is a huge plus for him especially given his young age. current u-21 danish captain and was captain at fc nordsjælland before his move to fc copenhagen when 19-20 years old. absolutely has all the tools to push on as ı see it. ı think he will be able to go straight in to a premiere league team but the results will really show with time. you’ll love him at the very least for his heart.

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    kisaca ve kabaca cevirmek gerekirse, 2 sezondur daginik bi' halde oynayan takimda bile one ciktigi, hava toplarinda cok saglam oldugu ve top kullaniminda da epey yetenekli oldugunu soyluyor. danimarka u-21 takiminin kaptani olan nelsson'un bu yasta liderlik vasiflarinin da kayda deger oldugunu soyluyor kendisi.

    transfer gerceklesirse buyuk is yapmis olacagiz sanki.
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