• 274
    ''dear sir/madam

    i would like to inform you about a situation going on in turkey. firstly, i can say that i’m a huge fan of sports. everybody knows that fenerbahce sports club has been into match-fixing event. as you are also aware, there has been an ongoing trial process about this issue in turkey, and the high court of appeal has announced that fenerbahce was involved in match-fixing. today, the court of cassation has approved this desicion. however, for the time being, we have a teribble football federation as they do not handle their job effectively. they have been silent ever since match-fixing issues were found out for the first time. the common belief of turkish football fans is that the federation won’t punish fenerbahce for the guilt of match fixing.

    i ask you to urge turkish football federation to do their job effectively, since they cannot do it properly. i want justice, i want clear football which isn't involved in match-fixing.

    respectfully submitted.''

    nacizane giwen ile yazdığımız metindir. #1392587'de bulunan adreslere postalayadurun.
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