Felipe Melo de Carvalho
  • 6080
    aşağıda yaptığı açıklama için bu takımdan gönderilmesi gerekiyormuş. bak sen. tabi adam maçtan sonra eray kaleci mi amk, o goller yenir mi. kimse maçta koşmadı mücadele etmedi, bizden bir cacık olmaz demesi gerekiyordu.

    sen aklıma mukayyet ol ya rab.
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    the defeat doesn't make things more complicated for us. whether or not madrid beat us, we were going to have to beat juventus in the last game in order to get through. everything will now be decided on home turf against juve. what happened tonight in the second half was that we played against real madrid. whether with one more player or one less, they are always real madrid. beforehand, we said that any lapse in concentration would prove fatal. we had the game in our hands but with the errors we committed, they punished us. we have beaten madrid in the past so why can't we now beat juventus?

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