rafael benitez'in görevini devretmeden önce
kalifiye jurnal ile girdiği diyaloğun gün yüzüne çıktığı turnuvadır.
kalifiye jurnal - look rafa, i have to take control of this team. you got it ? it's not going well. manchester city has vangobbel after this week and we're getting weaker.
rafael benitez - mr. journal, i can't do this, it's impossible for me to leave this job. season will begin in 5 weeks, you will not be able to get the team ready.
kj - it's my business rafa. just resign and i will take care of it.
rafa - i can't mr journal. just let me do my job.
kj - don't you understand that! they have
abdurreym with vangobbel! if we let that happen, our team will collapse.
rafa - oh god!
kj - oh god tabi. allahın ispanyolu seni. kırmızı yanaklı şebek...